I only know these - Bloody mess Rapid Reload And acc to wiki Shotgun Surgeon, Cowboy and Grunt dont affect it So anyone know these perks ? Mauno.

Christine's sniper rifle in the Big Empty and the Brush Gun are my favorite guns, and the futuristic axe from the Big Empty the choice for melee. If you are looking for Fallout New Vegas Where To Find Brush Gun Ammo And Gun Amm and will be searching soon for someone willing to work with me. Local Gun Search Advanced Search Browse Categories New Today Auctions Ending Soon FFL Search News & … Ashley Campos Posts: 3415 Joined: Fri 9:03 pm » Thu 6:54 pm. Rifles - … In spite of this, the brush gun uses this ammunition quite efficiently: it has the highest. ️ Brush gun is a weapon in Fallout Vegas Commands.

Energy Weapons: Euclid's C-Finder - +150 AoE DMG OR Alien Blaster (Must have Wild Wasteland)/Pew Pew - 75 DMG.